


Jesus is the source of our life – He created us, saved us, and shows us what it means to be a loved and accepted child of God. As a church our goal is simply to intimately know Jesus and to make Him known. Jesus Christ is the life we want to live and the “good news” we want to share with the world. 



The Bible is infallible truth and the basis for how we live and function as a church. We wholeheartedly recognize the supernatural power of God’s word and its ability to change and transform lives. Many opportunities are available at Morning Star for believers to grow and deepen their understanding of God’s holy Scriptures.



Morning Star is a vibrant and healthy spiritual family. We value authentic relationships and growing together in God, recognizing the unique value that every person, young and old, brings to the community. We love kids of all ages and are committed to raising up the next generation in an atmosphere of encouragement and love.



God came to reach mankind and redeem them and that is our goal too. Morning Star is very intentional about our purpose to make an impact outside of the four walls of the church for Christ, His Kingdom and a broken world. We are also very committed and active in supporting our Christian heritage in America and the biblical values that make our nation great.



Prayer is the highest calling of the church – to partner with God and energize His triumphant cause and purposes in the earth. Morning Star is a unified, praying church that prays as a first resort, not a last resort. We give focused attention to prayer, because we know that God hears and releases supernatural power and results when we fervently seek and ask of Him.